
We Urge Congress to Pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Immediately

A Better Balance urges Congress to swiftly pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act—a critical measure which will protect the health and economic security of workers and families across the country, providing them with permanent paid sick leave, and temporary emergency paid sick leave and emergency paid family and medical leave.

Amidst the COVID-19 public health crisis, A Better Balance is urging Congress to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act immediately, and protect the health and economic security of workers and families across the country.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act will provide critical workplace protections like paid sick leave and emergency paid leave. These measures are essential for tens of millions of low wage workers who currently have no access to paid sick leave. They will also protect the health of the public as a whole.

The bill not only addresses the emergency needs created by the pandemic—it would create a permanent, nationwide right to paid sick leave. Will you join us in demanding immediate action from Congress on this critical legislation?

We encourage you to call your Representatives at (202) 224-3121—and tell them no worker in the U.S. should be forced to jeopardize their economic security to take care of their health or their loved ones.

See below for the full statement from A Better Balance Co-Founder and Co-President Sherry Leiwant:

“A Better Balance urges Congress to swiftly pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act—a critical measure which will protect the health and economic security of workers and families across the country, providing them with permanent paid sick leave, and temporary emergency paid sick leave and emergency paid family and medical leave. These protections are urgent for the tens of millions of low wage workers who currently have no access to paid sick leave and are on the frontlines of contact with the public amidst this pandemic and therefore more susceptible to illness, including those in the restaurant, service, manufacturing, and health care industries.

The public health threat of COVID-19 highlights the impossible choice America’s workers have long faced between caring for themselves or their sick family members, and their paycheck. We need to address the emergency needs created by this epidemic and ensure all workers can protect themselves and their loved ones—but while doing so, we also need to protect the long-term health of our communities and ensure the tens of millions of workers who currently have no access to paid sick leave will never need to jeopardize their economic security to take care of their health or the health of their loved ones. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act does just that, and we urge the House and Senate to immediately pass—and then the President to sign—this urgent legislation.”
