
TIME Magazine Recognizes A Better Balance as Leader in Fight for Equality

TIME writes: "At a time when there are more women than men in the U.S. workforce, Bakst says implementing fair work-life standards—including pregnancy accommodations, paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, and quality affordable childcare—is more important than ever: 'It’s absolutely essential for gender equality and for our nation’s economic security.'"
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We are excited to share that TIME Magazine included A Better Balance and our Co-Founder and Co-President Dina Bakst on a list of “16 People and Groups Fighting for a More Equal America.” We are incredibly honored by this recognition and to be fighting for a more equal America alongside so many incredible activists and advocates.

TIME writes: “At a time when there are more women than men in the U.S. workforce, Bakst says implementing fair work-life standards—including pregnancy accommodations, paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, and quality affordable childcare—is more important than ever: ‘It’s absolutely essential for gender equality and for our nation’s economic security.'”

See the full feature here, or on newsstands in the March 2 – March 9 Equality issue of TIME.
