
Take Action: Tell Congress TODAY We Need Paid Leave in COVID-19 Relief Plan

Congressional leadership is considering coronavirus relief proposals that would NOT include an extension of the emergency leave benefits that have been a lifeline for so many workers and families. 
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Congressional leadership is considering a coronavirus relief proposal that would NOT include an extension of the emergency paid leave benefits that are set to expire on December 31st. These benefits have been a lifeline for so many workers and families. Will you join us in taking action today?  Update, 12/16: This package could be finalized as soon as today, so action is urgent.

In the midst of a COVID-19 surge, recent proposals would force sick workers to return to their workplaces, against all public health recommendations. We cannot let that happen. 

Paid leave is an urgent matter of economic justice: no one should have to sacrifice their income in order to protect their health. It is also a gender justice issue. As millions of women have been pushed out of the workplace without an adequate infrastructure of support for caregiving, Congress is cementing a devastating setback for gender equality in our nation. 

Join us in telling Congressional leadership that they must ensure this relief package includes the paid leave workers need to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
