
STATEMENT: A Better Balance Applauds President Biden’s Historic Budget Investments in Paid Family and Medical Leave

"Enacting a national paid family and medical leave program that covers all workers and recognizes all families, as well as paid sick leave, is key to advancing economic, gender, and racial equity in the United States."
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The following is a statement from A Better Balance Co-President Sherry Leiwant: 

“A Better Balance applauds President Biden and the White House for announcing the strongest budget proposal in history when it comes to advancing and investing in a national paid family and medical leave program. We have long been heartened by the President’s strong show of support for the  comprehensive, national paid leave program this needs, including his recent mention of paid leave in the State of the Union and issuing a memorandum to improve access to paid leave among federal workers. Today’s budget announcement builds on this momentum with meaningful progress toward building the care infrastructure that will enable all working people in America to take the time they need to care for themselves and their loved ones, without risking their economic security. To this end, it also calls for Congress to pass paid sick leave for every worker.  

Enacting a national paid family and medical leave program that covers all workers and recognizes all families, as well as paid sick leave, is key to advancing economic, gender, and racial equity in the United States. It will also be beneficial for public health and boost our economy. We have seen time and time again that paid leave is a win-win for workers and businesses alike, and that this policy is incredibly popular across party lines. We are grateful for the President’s commitment to paid leave for all and look forward to continuing to work alongside the White House and Congress to make this urgently-needed program a reality.”
