Resources Article

Colorado – A State Champion for Paid Leave Protections

In recent years, the “Centennial State” has paved the way for strong worker’s rights protections by passing several monumental paid leave laws. In 2020, the Colorado Legislature passed a comprehensive paid sick time law, the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA). The law guarantees a permanent right to paid sick and safe leave to workers across Colorado, and it guarantees additional sick leave to workers during a declared public health emergency, like COVID-19. Colorado’s paid sick time law—one of the strongest in the country—continues to serve as a lifeline to workers and their families balancing caretaking and economic needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Also in 2020, Colorado made history when voters overwhelmingly passed a paid family and medical leave law (Proposition 118). Colorado joined eight states and Washington D.C. that have passed paid family and medical leave laws, and it became the first state to pass such a law by ballot initiative. The program is now being implemented, and workers will become eligible to apply for and receive leave benefits starting in January 2024.

A Better Balance helped to write and pass both of these paid leave laws, and we are now working with coalition partners to ensure they are successfully implemented and enforced.

Colorado’s Paid Sick and Safe Time Law: Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA)
Colorado’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Law: FAMLI Act (formerly Prop. 118)
Get Help

Our national worker helpline, 1-833-NEED-ABB is a free and confidential resource where workers can get help and better understand their rights in the workplace. Through our helpline and other Know Your Rights outreach, we help to ensure all Coloradans understand their rights to paid leave and other protections.

More Information

Our Colorado Office continues to work on initiatives in our state that promote the ability of all workers to be able to care for the people they love when they need it most – without having to risk their economic security. For questions or more information on our Colorado office, please contact Jared Make.