
Tell the Senate: Pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Now

Join us in calling on the Senate to protect pregnant and postpartum workers nationwide by passing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
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Pregnant workers across the country are suffering from discrimination and mistreatment, from being denied bathroom breaks to being forced off the job. The pandemic has only worsened what has been a longstanding issue—one that has devastating health and economic consequences, especially for low-wage, frontline workers and women of color.  

Working moms and moms-to-be are still experiencing horrific mistreatment every day, but the solution is clear: the Senate must pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to help ensure dignity, security, and equity for pregnant workers. As millions of women have been pushed out of the workforce since the start of the pandemic, the PWFA would provide the critical support working moms need to remain healthy and attached to their jobs.

Join us in urging the Senate to respect pregnancy, honor motherhood, and pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act NOW.
