
Massachusetts passes Groundbreaking Paid Family and Medical Leave Law

Massachusetts’s law will begin providing benefits in 2021 and will cover nearly all private sector employees. The law provides 12 weeks of job-protected paid family leave and is the first state in the nation to allow workers to take job-protected paid time off for their own serious health needs.
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Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed into law today a groundbreaking paid family and medical leave law. Massachusetts joins California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Washington, D.C., and Washington State, which have already passed paid family and medical leave laws. A Better Balance played an integral role in drafting and advancing this landmark legislation and advises and supports coalitions across the country that have passed or are working to pass paid family and medical leave laws.

Massachusetts’s law will begin providing benefits in 2021 and will cover nearly all private sector employees. The law offers 12 weeks of job-protected paid family leave to bond with a new child (including a child newly placed for foster care or adoption), to care for a seriously ill loved one, or to address the impact of a family member’s military deployment. It is also the first state law in the nation to allow workers to take job-protected paid time off (up to 20 weeks) for their own serious health needs. And for those caring for veterans or servicemembers injured or sick as a result of their military service, the law provides up to 26 weeks of job-protected paid family leave—the first state law to include additional paid time for military caregivers.

Congratulations to our partners at Raise Up Massachusetts and all those who have worked so hard for so many years to pass a strong paid family and medical leave law for the people of Massachusetts!

Today’s win is inspiring. We’re working around the country to build on this victory and won’t stop fighting until all workers across the country have the paid family and medical leave they need.

