
Maryland Becomes Latest State to Enact Paid Family and Medical Leave

This week, Maryland's legislature approved a comprehensive paid leave program that would extend protections to nearly all workers in the state.
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Victory! Maryland’s state legislature has approved a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program. Maryland’s Time To Care Act (SB 275) passed in the state’s House and Senate earlier this week, and is headed to Governor Larry Hogan’s desk. (Update: On April 9, 2022, following the Governor’s veto, the Maryland House voted to override the veto and officially enact paid leave! Read more about the law here.).

This law will provide nearly all Maryland workers with up to 12 weeks of job-protected paid family and medical leave each year to care for themselves or a loved one when they are seriously ill or injured, or need to bond with a new child, respond to domestic violence, or address the impact of military deployment (with up to 24 weeks of paid leave in some situations). Critically, this law covers workers regardless of employer size, including full-time and part-time employees and private and public sector workers. Workers will also be able to keep their health insurance throughout their leave, and receive pay on a sliding scale of up to 90% of their income, with lower-income workers receiving the highest proportion of their earnings.

This landmark legislation places Maryland amongst nine other states and Washington D.C. that have passed similar protections providing pay to workers caring for themselves and their loved ones. 

We congratulate our partners in the Maryland Time To Care coalition on this incredible victory, and we are proud to have worked together to advance this crucial policy that will make a world of difference for the health and economic security of Maryland’s working families.
