
A Better Balance Testifies Before Congress, Demanding Fairness for Pregnant Workers & Moms

A Better Balance Co-President Dina Bakst testified before Congress urging them to remove barriers to justice for pregnant workers and mothers by immediately passing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act.

For too long, pregnant workers and mothers have had their health and livelihoods imperiled due to unfair laws. Today, A Better Balance Co-President Dina Bakst testified before Congress urging them to remove barriers to justice for pregnant workers and mothers by immediately passing two critical bills:  

  • The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which would help end pregnancy discrimination by making sure pregnant workers can get reasonable accommodations and aren’t forced to choose between a paycheck and a healthy pregnancy. 
  • The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act, which would ensure nursing mothers can access the break time and space they need at work.

As Dina testified, “Women in America should not be forced to choose between becoming a mother and earning a paycheck.” Dina’s powerful testimony outlined the critical legal need for these laws and offered a window into the experiences of just a few of the hundreds of workers who have called our helpline. Read Dina’s oral testimony here and the full written testimony here.

Today’s hearing was a crucial step forward, but this fight is far from over—we must push these bills across the finish line! Join us by taking action today and telling Congress to prioritize the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP Act this Women’s History Month. 
