
A Better Balance Leads Effort to Oppose Judge Barrett’s Confirmation, A Threat to Working Families

We authored and sent a letter to the Senate expressing our strong opposition to the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett— signed by 95 groups that support the rights of workers to care for themselves and their loved ones without compromising their economic security. As we express in the letter, the rushed confirmation process currently underway is a disgrace. It undermines the significance of the Supreme Court as an institution and disrespects Justice Ginsburg’s legacy. Furthermore, Judge Barrett’s record has made clear that she is opposed to the rights of working people and unsympathetic to the needs of their families—being a successful woman and mother does not make Judge Barrett an appropriate successor to Justice Ginsburg.
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On October 9, 2020, we authored and sent a letter to the Senate expressing our strong opposition to the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett— signed by 95 groups that support the rights of workers to care for themselves and their loved ones without compromising their economic security. As we express in the letter, the rushed confirmation process currently underway is a disgrace. It undermines the significance of the Supreme Court as an institution and disrespects Justice Ginsburg’s legacy. Furthermore, Judge Barrett’s record has made clear that she is opposed to the rights of working people and unsympathetic to the needs of their families—being a successful woman and mother does not make Judge Barrett an appropriate successor to Justice Ginsburg.

We firmly believe that all people should be able to care for themselves and their loved ones without sacrificing their economic security. This country is facing a public health emergency of unprecedented proportions, which is exacerbating existing structural inequalities that force too many people—especially people of color—to choose between their jobs and their own health or the health of their loved ones. And yet, rather than working to provide urgently-needed relief measures, the Senate is attempting to rush through the confirmation of a new Supreme Court Justice who would further harm this country’s workers and families. If confirmed, Judge Barrett will be positioned to roll back crucial workplace protections that allow workers to take leave to care for their families and to stay healthy on the job; to strip healthcare away from millions of Americans and allow renewed discrimination in health insurance coverage based on preexisting conditions, and to decimate people’s ability to make decisions about how they form families. Her confirmation would cement a radically conservative majority on the Supreme Court, making it into a Court inordinately friendly to those already in power and enormously hostile to the needs of those who have been historically marginalized in this country.

We urge the Senate to oppose Judge Barrett’s confirmation, and to allow the next President of the United States to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ginsburg.

Read the full letter here. 
