
We Call On Congress to Pass The National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights

The nation’s 2.5 million domestic workers are excluded from the vast majority of federal and state laws granting basic workplace rights and protections, and there is little means of enforcing the protections they do have. This needs to change. We’re proud to support the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, which would ensure that domestic workers—including nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers—have the same fundamental rights as everyone else and are not left vulnerable to exploitation. 
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The nation’s 2.5 million domestic workers are excluded from the vast majority of federal and state laws granting basic workplace rights and protections, and there is little means of enforcing the protections they do have. This needs to change. We’re proud to support the National Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, which would ensure that domestic workers—including nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers—have the same fundamental rights as everyone else and are not left vulnerable to exploitation. 

Thanks to the leadership of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the bill was introduced in Congress on July 15, co-sponsored by Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Pramila Jayapal. The bill would require employees to provide a written agreement outlining clear expectations about pay, duties, scheduling, and time-off policies. It would also require employers to use fair scheduling practices, so workers don’t miss out on pay due to last-minute schedule changes. And it would provide workers with up to 56 hours of paid sick time per year, legal protection from sexual harassment and discrimination, and other basic rights.

It’s our mission to ensure all workers have the time and flexibility they need to care for themselves and their families. Domestic workers do important work caring for our children, loved ones, and homes that contributes to the economy and supports millions of American families. But, as we’ve heard from callers to our free legal helpline, this too often comes at the expense of their personal health and well-being, and their ability to care for their own families.

We call on Congress to pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and help spur a much-needed cultural shift towards treating care work with the value it deserves.
