
Press Release: ABB Responds to Passage of MI’s Earned Paid Sick Time Proposal

We applaud the passage today of Michigan’s earned paid sick time law giving nearly 2 million hard-working Michiganders the right to take time off to care for themselves and their families. But the fight is not over.


September 5, 2018

Contact: Lorraine Kenny, 212-430-5982, ext. 165, [email protected]

LANSING — The following statement can be attributed to Sherry Leiwant, Co-President and Co-Founder of A Better Balance.

“We applaud the passage today of Michigan’s earned paid sick time law giving nearly 2 million hard-working Michiganders the right to take time off when they need it most to care for themselves and their families. This victory would not have been possible without the tireless advocacy of the MI Time to Care coalition, Mothering Justice, and the families who publicly shared their stories. A Better Balance was honored to help support this effort.

“With today’s action, Michigan joins 10 states and 34 local jurisdictions that have passed similar measures.  But the fight is not over. Because the measure, which had qualified for the November ballot, was passed first by the legislature and not at the ballot box, we must remain vigilant to make sure that lawmakers do not use the lame duck session to weaken the policy they passed today.

“A Better Balance will continue to support local groups as they work to ensure the law is protected and families across the state are able to earn paid sick time.”

A Better Balance is a national legal nonprofit fighting to give American workers the time and flexibility they need to care for their families without risking their economic security. We are a leader in the movement to reshape laws and workplace practices to fit the needs of today’s labor force.

