
On Equal Pay Day, New York Takes Bold Step on Equal Pay

To mark Equal Pay Day, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced legislation that would prevent employers in the State from relying on or inquiring about a job applicant’s salary history, a practice that disadvantages women and people of color who historically earn lower wages.
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Today, A Better Balance has exciting news to deliver on equal pay!

To mark Equal Pay Day, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced legislation that would prevent employers in the State from relying on or inquiring about a job applicant’s salary history, a practice that disadvantages women and people of color who historically earn lower wages.

A Better Balance has been a key leader on this issue in New York, working closely on the New York City ban already in effect, and advocating for a state-level ban as part of our testimony at the State Department of Labor gender pay gap hearings last summer. The DOL’s press release and pay gap report, released this morning, can be found here.
We’ll also be joining partners at an Equal Pay Day rally today at City Hall and across the country on line at 2 pm.  Please join us!
  • Thank you @NYGovCuomo for introducing the “salary history” bill that will help to close the wage gap & promote equality in NY. #equalpay #bansalaryhistory
  • Women shouldn’t need to work 15 months to be paid what men receive in 12. It is time for #EqualPay! #EqualPayDay
  • Increasingly, women are heads of household. Paycheck unfairness hurts America’s working families #EqualPayDay #EqualPayNow
As the ball moves forward on equal pay in New York, ABB is also fighting back against brutal state preemption laws that prevent cities from passing legislation—such as salary history bans, ban-the-box measures, paid sick time laws—that can help in the fight for equal pay. Read more about this growing and troubling trend in an op-ed published by A Better Balance attorneys Dilini Lankachandra and Sarah Brafman today.