
STATEMENT: Ruling in Tennessee v. EEOC is A Victory for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 

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The following is a statement from A Better Balance Co-Founder and Co-President Dina Bakst,

“Today’s ruling in Tennessee v. EEOC is a victory for millions of pregnant and postpartum workers across the country, because it allows the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) regulations to go into effect next week, providing important clarity about how the law works in practice. A Better Balance joined an amicus (‘friend of the court’) brief to the court explaining, using examples from workers who called our free and confidential legal helpline, why the regulations provide critical guidance to employees and employers. We are well on our way toward successfully defending against baseless attacks on the regulations and ensuring the promise of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is fully realized. 

A Better Balance is pleased Judge Marshall ruled in favor of allowing the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s regulations for the PWFA to go into effect next week in Tennessee v. EEOC. The ruling appropriately found that the coalition of conservative Attorneys General, led by Tennessee and Arkansas, lacked standing to challenge the regulations. We look forward to continuing our work defending workers’ rights under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.”
