Family Leave Works New York

Everyone should be able to be with the people they love when they need them the most—without risking their economic security. With the help of A Better Balance, as of January 1, 2018, millions of New Yorkers have the right to paid, job-protected time off to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill or injured family member, or address needs due to a family member’s military deployment. A Better Balance is here to help those workers keep their balance and their jobs.

Know Your Rights

Knowledge is power. Find out what you need to know about your rights under the law, with special information for self-employed workersLGBTQ parentsadoptive and foster parentsmilitary families, and other momsdads, and caregivers.

Get Help

Do you have questions about your rights under the law or need more information? Our free and confidential legal hotline is here to help.

Find out more about A Better Balance’s leadership in passing New York’s paid family leave law, our commitment to enforce it, and our ongoing work to pass similar laws around the country.