
The Senate Must Confirm Julie Su, A Longtime Champion of Working Women and Families, as the Secretary of Labor

We at A Better Balance are calling on the Senate to confirm Julie Su, a longtime champion for working families, as the Secretary of Labor without delay.
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The nomination of Julie Su, a tireless champion for working women and families, to lead the U.S. Department of Labor, is a heartening step towards a brighter, more equitable future for workers across the country. We at A Better Balance are calling on the Senate to confirm Julie Su as the Secretary of Labor without delay. Critically, the Department of Labor is responsible for enforcing work-family policies like the Family and Medical Leave Act and PUMP For Nursing Mothers Act, and we know that Su’s leadership at the helm of DOL has been, and will continue to be, instrumental in ensuring that the enforcement of these hard-won legislative milestones meets the needs of the workers who need them most.

As the Deputy Secretary of Labor, Su has already proven to be an invaluable leader and champion of workers, and throughout her long career, she has shown at every turn an unwavering dedication to the rights and dignity of working people and an intersectional approach to advancing racial, gender, and economic justice for marginalized communities. As Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Su’s work on the ground in the state to push for racial, economic, and gender justice for workers has played a key role in creating more equitable workplaces for millions. Su’s precedent-setting enforcement of state labor laws helped to ensure fairer and more just workplaces for both employees and employers. 

Her work as civil rights attorney to protect low-wage and immigrant workers, including victims of crime and human trafficking, from exploitation and abuse on the job demonstrates her commitment to fighting for populations that are most vulnerable to workplace inequity, and we know that Su will continue to make great strides towards a brighter future for working families on the national stage in this role. 

We look forward to seeing Su confirmed to President Biden’s Cabinet, and to working with the agency to meet the needs of all working people and their families. We hope you will join us in calling for her confirmation, and in getting involved with the campaign to say #YesJulieSu.
