
Empowering Immigrant Communities to Exercise Their Rights in the Workplace

We remain committed to equipping workers, particularly those without status, those living in rural communities, Latinx workers, and those working in low-wage industries with knowledge of their legal protections, so that they can exercise their rights in the workplace confidently and without fear. 
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This month, A Better Balance had the opportunity to be a part of the New York Immigration Coalition’s (“NYIC”) monthly “Tea Time” event, where immigrant advocates and community partners come together to discuss topical issues. For the March installment, A Better Balance was invited to speak on a panel involving work and labor. Our staff attorney Lisa Garcia spoke alongside Cassandra Bocanegra, from NYIC, who serves as a Manager of Organizing and Strategy for the Coalition. 

At the Tea Time event, we connected with community partners on workplace issues that are most pertinent for immigrant communities, such as when workers should feel comfortable asserting their need for time off to care for family members, and how to use sick leave or request accommodations based on pregnancy or an existing disability. The panel discussion also addressed larger cultural attitudes toward work and labor, and we reflected on barriers workers face in feeling comfortable requesting time off from work and what it means to have a fulfilling, supportive workplace. 

Our partnership with groups like the New York Immigration Coalition has been instrumental in helping expand our outreach to immigrant communities. We have seen through our work that workers without status, those living in rural communities, Latinx workers, and those working in low-wage industries often have limited access to information on their workplace protections, and at the same time, these marginalized communities are suffering the most egregious violations at the hands of employers who may capitalize on an inflated power dynamic. We remain committed to equipping workers with knowledge of their legal protections, so that they can exercise their rights in the workplace confidently and without fear. 

Our continued outreach efforts in New York and nationwide strive to empower all workers, regardless of background, migrant status, or industry, to be confident in their workplace protections and unapologetic in their ability to advocate for their own legal rights. 

As part of our efforts to better serve communities in need of our resources, we are proud to offer know-your-rights resources in Spanish, as well as a dedicated Spanish-language free and confidential legal helpline

Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos para servir mejor a las comunidades que necesitan nuestros recursos, nos enorgullece ofrecer recursos para conocer sus derechos en español, así como una línea de ayuda legal gratuita y confidencial dedicada en español.
