
STATEMENT: The Senate Must Pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act During the Lame Duck Session, As Voters Demand Action on Reproductive Freedom and the Economy

A Better Balance released a statement and a powerful, 1-minute video, featuring a first-person story from a pregnant worker, Denizer Carter, calling on Senate Majority Leader Schumer to prioritize the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act during the lame duck session before it’s too late.
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The following is a statement from A Better Balance Co-President Dina Bakst: 

“As the results of the midterm election roll in, one thing is clear: voters are deeply concerned about their families’ financial well-being and about reproductive freedom, and they are demanding action from lawmakers. Congress will have a pivotal window in the upcoming lame duck session to deliver the results women and families have been asking for and deserve. 

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which passed in the House last year with sweeping bipartisan support, has had the votes it needs to pass in the Senate for months—yet Senate Majority Leader Schumer has repeatedly deprioritized its passage, sending a message to mothers that they aren’t worth the time. 

No woman in America should face hunger and homelessness, or grave risks to her health and the health of her pregnancy, like preeclampsia, pre-term birth, and even miscarriage, because their employers refuse to accommodate them. Being able to have a safe pregnancy or recovery from childbirth, and not lose your job, is essential to our economy and to reproductive justice and freedom.  

We urge Leader Schumer to back up his expressed support for the rights of pregnant workers with action and pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act this November. We must not squander this pivotal opportunity to advance gender, racial, and economic justice and finally treat pregnant workers and new moms with the respect, dignity, and equality under the law they deserve.”  
