
Back to School: A Know-Your-Rights Primer for Working Parents (9/24)

Join us for an informative webinar where A Better Balance’s legal experts will discuss protections that exist to allow parents to balance work and care responsibilities and answer questions about your legal rights in the workplace.

Children across the country are returning to school, and working parents are once again left navigating the uncertainty this time might bring as COVID cases surge. As we fight to improve our nation’s infrastructure of supportive workplace laws for families, it’s more important than ever for parents to know their rights under protections that do exist. Though it’s nearly impossible to plan for unexpected illnesses, injuries, or family emergencies, laws at the state, local, and federal levels can help you take time off work to care for yourself and your children in times of need.

Join us for an informative webinar where A Better Balance’s legal experts will discuss protections that exist to allow parents to balance work and care responsibilities and answer questions about your legal rights in the workplace.

Watch the webinar below.
