
New York State Enacts Paid Leave for New Yorkers to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine

Under the law, workers can take up to four hours of paid leave per shot of the COVID-19 vaccination.
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Today, New York Governor Cuomo signed into law A3354B—previously passed by the New York State legislature—granting New Yorkers across the state paid leave to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Under the law, workers can take up to four hours of paid leave per shot of the COVID-19 vaccination. New Yorkers should know that employees cannot be fired or retaliated against in any way for exercising their rights under this law, which goes into effect immediately.

We applaud this important step forward that will support New Yorkers’ ability to protect their health and care for their loved ones. This leave is available in addition to rights under New York’s permanent and emergency paid leave laws. To learn more about other sources of paid leave available to New Yorkers, visit here
