
2021 In Review: Our Impact by the Numbers

With you by our side this year, we've made waves in the fight to advance justice for working women, caregivers, and families.
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This year, thanks to your solidarity and support, we’ve seen numerous victories for workers caring for themselves and their loved ones, including more protections for pregnant workers at the state level, new paid sick time laws, and millions of workers empowered by our implementation, education and outreach efforts. We’ve made waves in 2021, and we could not have done it without you by our side. Read on for a breakdown of just some of the progress we’ve made with your help, by the numbers!

With the passage of the Louisiana Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, 30 states have strengthened legal protections for pregnant workers.
In 2021 alone, we supported 1,700 workers directly through our helpline with customized and actionable information about their legal rights.
15,000 workers used our new online Workplace Rights Hub, a state-by-state resource to help workers understand their rights on the job.
3 million workers in Colorado have begun exercising their rights to paid sick time for COVID-19 and other general health needs.
8.6 million workers in New York State gained the right to paid time off to receive or recover from the COVID-19 vaccine.
This year’s work on implementation, public education, and regulations of existing state paid leave laws will affect the rights of approximately 16.5 million workers.

But there’s still so much to do to ensure no woman is pushed off the job due to caregiving responsibilities and no low wage worker need risk their health, during the pandemic or beyond. With your support, we can continue making an impact for families in 2022.
